UTILIS: Top performance tools for Swiss turning and micro-mechanics
Founded in Switzerland in 1915, UTILIS is now one of the world’s leading suppliers of precision tools for the metal cutting industry. 100 Swiss employees are responsible for the innovative advances and reliability of these high-performance tools for micro machining. UTILIS exports to 60 countries and covers precision small parts manufacturing demands for many industries including: medical, automotive, watch & jewelry, electronics, and micro-mechanics.

Some interesting facts about UTILIS:
The word “utilis" comes from Latin and means “useful” and "advantageous," just like our precision tools. We have made a conscious decision to manufacture products of our own multidec® brand in Switzerland to guarantee the proven UTILIS quality of our cutting tools.
We can offer our worldwide customers the following added values:
More Swiss quality - more precision
To meet our precision standards, we rely on high-quality machines, tools, and materials. Compromises that jeopardize this claim are out of the question.
We produce in full compliance with the required tolerances.
We use state-of-the-art measuring methods to ensure that our workpieces are 100% precise
We meet highly complex customer requirements with precision planning and exacting calculation.
More process optimization - more productivity
Thanks to our innovative and high-performance Swiss tools, the productivity and profitability of our customers increases. By using UTILIS tools, chip control and chip flow are improved. In addition, our customers enjoy improved cutting performance, lower reject rates, higher process reliability, and longer tool life.
More product quality - more customer satisfaction
Our product range is specifically tailored to the requirements and wishes of our customers, and we are constantly improving the quality of our products and expanding our range.
We also see our comprehensive UTILIS service as our particular strength and a clear differentiator from our competitors. We are convinced that personal and expert advice is the key to success.
We provide individual advice and solve even the most demanding requirements and special requests.
We can show you our multidec® precision tools in direct use on your machines.
We can help you to increase your productivity and profitability by optimizing your machining process.


Kositnutt Nithithongsakul
UTILIS Thailand, Swiss Type Tools
Sales Director
Mobile: +66 63 847 8868
E-Mail: kositnutt.n@utilis.com